HW suprised

HW suprised
Cool school

Monday, April 11, 2016

Homework! Spring Break updates

  Hello , Good afternoon everyone! Hope you are all doing great! Welcome back to school after spring break! Today is Monday, April 11th 2016 school day. Below is the list of homework we have and we don't have.

Mr. Berry: Ms.Mcginn retired so he is with us for the rest of the year. No homework unless you were gone and missed work.

Mrs. Cole: Ws 4- Solving Equations even if not finished. You should have finished it in class.

Ms. Workman: No homework unless if you didn't finish getting started on pg. 204 in the OMM book. Here is her website- http://workmanscience.weebly.com

Mrs. Sherman: No homework unless you are missing stuff. If you want to start your Vocabulary Collection this week for next week you are welcome too.

End of the quarter (3) is this Friday, April 15th 2016! Turn in what you need to be for April 14th 2016! Please check out my website!

Over break I did 2 experiments I put them under my Fun things then Experimental things! Go check them out.

I might start again doing class work for every class tomorrow! I always post new things.  Keep up with me if you wish.

Have a good day! See you all tomorrow! Smile More! Remember to love each other and the world will love you back!

This is long I am very sorry! I did this during my 7th hour Social Studies class! I don't have time after school today to post this lots of stuff to do!

Love you all! I am leaving early on Friday because i have a dentist appointment that means I am getting my expander removed but not my braces! I am going to update my website tonight and move stuff around!

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