HW suprised

HW suprised
Cool school

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Homework and more! Stay tuned

 Hello, Good afternoon everybody! Soon, going to eat dinner! Well, busy day today because we had a weird schedule! It will be the same for tomorrow and Tues. + Wednesday next week! Here it is if you are unsure: 1st hour, 2nd,3rd, advisory, 5th, LUNCH, then 6,7.  Love you all here is the homework and the class work we did if you were absent that day.

Mrs. Workman- CW: 1. class selection for 8th grade 2. Read pg 209-215 in OMM Book lesson 18 3. CWB Lab Sketch/Observation - 5th instar Hw: none or finish reading those pages or reread those pages. Also Science notebook is due on Friday.

Ms. Cole- CW: Worksheet 5 equations then got back our homework from last night. HW: finish worksheet 5 equations. Also we have a quiz on Thursday

Mrs. Sherman- CW: Imagery and Poetry project ( talked about it) HW: think about the poets and finish your Q3 book choice list that is due tomorrow.

Mr. Berry: 35 min. video about disaster with oil probably Kuwait. HW: None

Also if you are in choir here is the thing we did:
Bellwork Rythm2 Warmup Edelweiss Melodia Skills

I also posted last night a disc weaving thing that i do, and i am selling them go check it out I have the description over there.

Tuesdays starting next week i will be in Dance Class from 5:40 pm to 6:25 pm doing Jazz. I might post only on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Maybe on Tuesdays if i have enough time.
Sorry this is long trying to give you information! Only 10 weeks left of school yahooooo!!!
Love you all see you all tomorrow! Check out my youtube channel and please subscribe!

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