HW suprised

HW suprised
Cool school

Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17th 2016

 Welcome to Saturday! Hello, another week already of school has ended! Next week, i will post the homework and classwork each day! I have my laptop back from fixing. I can't believe it that i am moving in about 1 week and 2 days. So, on with the homework for the weekend.

Social Studies (Mr.Grant): cw: watched a video about us coming into America.
hw: CDV( Core Democratic Value) due Wednesday.

Science ( Hahn): cw: Science pretest hw: planner signed

Math (Herrera): cw: played kahoot.it
hw: same ws from last night except you have to change the signs into division signs.

ELA (Murphy): cw: Schoolhouse rock taking notes. hw: read 20 minutes and reflect in 1-2 paragraphs about what you read in your reading notebook.


Spanish (Sra. Berger): cw: warm up journal, talked about the dates, took a quiz.

Graphic Design ( Treece) cw: letter designs hw: none

Thanks for understanding that i am busy. I will try my best doing it every day next week. See you guys on Monday.

Bye!!!!!!!!!!! Ana out

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Back to school!

 Hey and welcome back to the site where i am posting homework and class work. I am moving about in 3 weeks to New York. I will post up to then. So, welcome to a fresh new year of school! Yay! We are now 8th graders congratulations!! Hope the first 3 days of school were fun and boring. New updates: each time i post a new day you HAVE to comment down below what should i do to make this website look fun. If you have these teachers down below that is great.

Murphy, Maria ( ELA) cw: 1. Presenting our words 2. What matters journal- writing about a quote 3. 6 word memoir packet hw: 1 memoir that you chose and explain in a paragraph in your what matters journal. 

Hahn, Gretchen (Science) cw: Lab Safety Posters hw: to get your planner signed daily

Herrera, Rolando ( Algebra 1 AC) cw: 1. Gmail 2. Khan Academy on ipads hw: none

Grant, Tracy ( Social Studies or History) cw: 1. Nametags 2. seating chart 3. syllabus hw: none- except to buy a portfolio with the clasps in the middle. 

Electives ( if you have them):

Sra. Berger (Spanish) cw: 1. warm up journal 2. worked in our packet hw: 1. expectations quiz is tomorrow 2. Quiz on #s 0-1000 on the 16th- maybe 4 class commands. 

Treece, Jason (Art teacher or Graphic design) cw:1. picked out our computers 2. created a folder on the computer. hw: none

Reminder: please subscribe and check out my channel. I have 6 subscribers.  

Have a good day and night! See you all tomorrow!
     Peace out,
 Your one and only Ana 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Last week of school

 Good afternoon people! Starting today or Monday June 13th 2016 is the last week of school! Hope you will enjoy this very last blog throughout the school year. If you are interested of what i am doing each day of the summer go to this website: greatsummerfun2016.blogspot.com . All of the explaination will be on there.
   Have a great time at Rolling Hills tomorrow ( Thurs. June 16th 2016). I am staying home so i wont get the experience as you will. See you on Friday though!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Homework and more! Stay tuned

 Hello, Good afternoon everybody! Soon, going to eat dinner! Well, busy day today because we had a weird schedule! It will be the same for tomorrow and Tues. + Wednesday next week! Here it is if you are unsure: 1st hour, 2nd,3rd, advisory, 5th, LUNCH, then 6,7.  Love you all here is the homework and the class work we did if you were absent that day.

Mrs. Workman- CW: 1. class selection for 8th grade 2. Read pg 209-215 in OMM Book lesson 18 3. CWB Lab Sketch/Observation - 5th instar Hw: none or finish reading those pages or reread those pages. Also Science notebook is due on Friday.

Ms. Cole- CW: Worksheet 5 equations then got back our homework from last night. HW: finish worksheet 5 equations. Also we have a quiz on Thursday

Mrs. Sherman- CW: Imagery and Poetry project ( talked about it) HW: think about the poets and finish your Q3 book choice list that is due tomorrow.

Mr. Berry: 35 min. video about disaster with oil probably Kuwait. HW: None

Also if you are in choir here is the thing we did:
Bellwork Rythm2 Warmup Edelweiss Melodia Skills

I also posted last night a disc weaving thing that i do, and i am selling them go check it out I have the description over there.

Tuesdays starting next week i will be in Dance Class from 5:40 pm to 6:25 pm doing Jazz. I might post only on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Maybe on Tuesdays if i have enough time.
Sorry this is long trying to give you information! Only 10 weeks left of school yahooooo!!!
Love you all see you all tomorrow! Check out my youtube channel and please subscribe!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Selling discs

I am selling these for:
Weekend - 25 cents
Weekday- 15-20 cents
 Email me to tell me if you want one of these I am still not finished if you want specific colors please buy the yarn and I will make it for you.

Homework! Spring Break updates

  Hello , Good afternoon everyone! Hope you are all doing great! Welcome back to school after spring break! Today is Monday, April 11th 2016 school day. Below is the list of homework we have and we don't have.

Mr. Berry: Ms.Mcginn retired so he is with us for the rest of the year. No homework unless you were gone and missed work.

Mrs. Cole: Ws 4- Solving Equations even if not finished. You should have finished it in class.

Ms. Workman: No homework unless if you didn't finish getting started on pg. 204 in the OMM book. Here is her website- http://workmanscience.weebly.com

Mrs. Sherman: No homework unless you are missing stuff. If you want to start your Vocabulary Collection this week for next week you are welcome too.

End of the quarter (3) is this Friday, April 15th 2016! Turn in what you need to be for April 14th 2016! Please check out my website!

Over break I did 2 experiments I put them under my Fun things then Experimental things! Go check them out.

I might start again doing class work for every class tomorrow! I always post new things.  Keep up with me if you wish.

Have a good day! See you all tomorrow! Smile More! Remember to love each other and the world will love you back!

This is long I am very sorry! I did this during my 7th hour Social Studies class! I don't have time after school today to post this lots of stuff to do!

Love you all! I am leaving early on Friday because i have a dentist appointment that means I am getting my expander removed but not my braces! I am going to update my website tonight and move stuff around!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Hw and start of the New Quarter

Hey everyone! Happy new year! I know it has been forever but i was a lot busy with the school work. Today is Monday February 1st 2016. There is not a lot of homework because we have Monday and Tuesday off. The start of a new quarter which is #3 almost there to no school. Below the hw for Ms. Workman team.
  Math: Test review packet due Wednesday. Test Thursday
  Science: None
  Social Studies: Still Mr. Berry but no homework
  Language Arts: No Homework but start to read for the next book of choice list

And one more thing
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL! I have only 2 subscribers

Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PMH1QFX9EHgv_Sz906jAg

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Homework and more

Hi Everyone sorry I didn't post. I have been busy. Happy Sunday! Here is the list of homework:

Cole (math)-  finish area and perimeter review ws.
Sherman (ELA)- The moves make the man chapters 14-18 w/notes are due on Monday.
Workman (Science)- finish any work if needed
Ms.Mcginn/ Mr. Berry (Social Studies)- none if you need to finish work do it
If you have spanish- 14th peer edit project mapa+ direcciones, 17th pruebra lugares, and 16th due mapa+ direcciones
If you have Health Kearney- finish packet work due Monday

Thanks for reading comment below and do your work please! Next week is the last week before winter break! Work hard please! If you have any questions please email me or text me at:
catslove1235@gmail.com or 419-308-9798
Please watch!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Homework and News

Hello everyone! Sorry did not post! There is homework for tomorrow/tonight!

Cole: Study for Test tomorrow! You have the review ws
Sherman: Vocab due tomorrow! finish anything you need too! Bring a book of choice to read.
Ms.Mcginn / Mr. Berry: None
Ms. Workman: finish your essay final due Next Tuesday!