HW suprised

HW suprised
Cool school

Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17th 2016

 Welcome to Saturday! Hello, another week already of school has ended! Next week, i will post the homework and classwork each day! I have my laptop back from fixing. I can't believe it that i am moving in about 1 week and 2 days. So, on with the homework for the weekend.

Social Studies (Mr.Grant): cw: watched a video about us coming into America.
hw: CDV( Core Democratic Value) due Wednesday.

Science ( Hahn): cw: Science pretest hw: planner signed

Math (Herrera): cw: played kahoot.it
hw: same ws from last night except you have to change the signs into division signs.

ELA (Murphy): cw: Schoolhouse rock taking notes. hw: read 20 minutes and reflect in 1-2 paragraphs about what you read in your reading notebook.


Spanish (Sra. Berger): cw: warm up journal, talked about the dates, took a quiz.

Graphic Design ( Treece) cw: letter designs hw: none

Thanks for understanding that i am busy. I will try my best doing it every day next week. See you guys on Monday.

Bye!!!!!!!!!!! Ana out

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Back to school!

 Hey and welcome back to the site where i am posting homework and class work. I am moving about in 3 weeks to New York. I will post up to then. So, welcome to a fresh new year of school! Yay! We are now 8th graders congratulations!! Hope the first 3 days of school were fun and boring. New updates: each time i post a new day you HAVE to comment down below what should i do to make this website look fun. If you have these teachers down below that is great.

Murphy, Maria ( ELA) cw: 1. Presenting our words 2. What matters journal- writing about a quote 3. 6 word memoir packet hw: 1 memoir that you chose and explain in a paragraph in your what matters journal. 

Hahn, Gretchen (Science) cw: Lab Safety Posters hw: to get your planner signed daily

Herrera, Rolando ( Algebra 1 AC) cw: 1. Gmail 2. Khan Academy on ipads hw: none

Grant, Tracy ( Social Studies or History) cw: 1. Nametags 2. seating chart 3. syllabus hw: none- except to buy a portfolio with the clasps in the middle. 

Electives ( if you have them):

Sra. Berger (Spanish) cw: 1. warm up journal 2. worked in our packet hw: 1. expectations quiz is tomorrow 2. Quiz on #s 0-1000 on the 16th- maybe 4 class commands. 

Treece, Jason (Art teacher or Graphic design) cw:1. picked out our computers 2. created a folder on the computer. hw: none

Reminder: please subscribe and check out my channel. I have 6 subscribers.  

Have a good day and night! See you all tomorrow!
     Peace out,
 Your one and only Ana